
We are actively looking for collaborations with SMEs, so if you have any questions or project ideas please don’t hesitate to contact us.

When you approach NBF with a potential project, this is what you can expect: 

  • Step 1 
    A new collaboration starts with a meeting with the leader of the NBF. You will get a presentation of the capabilities and competences of NBF, and a chance to present your project idea in non-confidential terms. 
  • Step 2
    You will meet with team of scientific staff (either under CDA or not), to present and discuss the project in details to align expectations and deliverables. 
  • Step 3
    You fill out a form with the necessary information on e.g. the protein(s), identity available starting material and QC requirements
  • Step 4
    The NBF team put together a project plan which will form the basis of the timelines, and costs of the project. 
  • Step 5
    You receive a draft of the project plan for your approval
  • Step 6
    If you accept the project plan with timelines and costs, the project is ready to start. 


Bjørn Gunnar Rude Voldborg
Director Cell Line and Protein Production Facility
DTU Bioengineering
+45 21 12 61 91